
Cookie Information

This site uses cookies to help understand how you and other visitors use the site. You can see a list of these cookies, and what they are used for, on the cookie information page.

By visiting any other page on this website, you are consenting to the use of cookies by this site. You will only see this message once, but will be able to set your preference at any time on the cookie information page.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

You can find out more about cookies, and why we are asking for your consent to place cookies on your computer, from the following sites:


All cookies used by this site are in place to improve the efficiency of the site directly, or to obtain anonymous data to help improve the experience of using the website. Other than those required for the operation of the site, a list of the cookies used on this site can be found below.

First Party Cookies

CookieName Purpose 
Scomuir Cookie Compliance scowebDBCookieCompliance This cookie records your acceptance of the placement of cookies by this site on your computer.

Scomuir Cookie Message scowebDBCookieMessage This cookie records whether our initial cookie policy message has been displayed. If this cookie is blocked or not set, a message will appear on every page informing you of our cookie policy.

Third Party Cookies

Your acceptance of our use of these cookies has been implied.

Set your preference to the use of these cookies  

CookieName Purpose Further information
Google Analytics _utma
This website uses Google Analytics, a tool which uses cookies to provide us with information on how people use this site. This information helps us to analyse the performance of the site so we can make improvements.

These cookies don't collect information that identifies individual visitors to the website. All information collected by these cookies is in aggregate, and is therefore anonymous.
Google Analytics privacy overview
AddThis __atuvc

This cookie is used to record the usage of the "" widget.  The opt out link to the right allows you to continue to use the "" widget on this site without, without collecting any usage data from you, even if you opt in for cookies on this site. opt out policy

OS Openspace BIGipServerprod_as101202_http_pool

This cookie is used by Ordnance Survey to maintain communication with a single server.  It does not record or contain any personal information.


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Site developed by Scott Muir
© Scomuir 2003-2025